02 March 2006

Suprise Ice

i just ate a piece of toast to simply make myself warm after my ice cold bowl of rice chex and bananas. but it was worth it.

desperately trying to keep a clear outlook on things today. despite words and/or thoughts and/or actions that are trying to tear me down. trying to tear this spirit down. what happened here. my thoughts have been so consumed, its almost like going on vacation and coming home and realizing life has moved on without you. well thats the school side of it at least. work is a slap in the face, and home is getting tougher, for all of us. sunshine, roses, art, music...keep me sane. i hate whining, but this shouldnt be seen as that, more of a look at what the adversary can try to do while your happy. keep your head up beautiful.

a wonderful weekend ahead of me after just one more night of working...

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