12 January 2009


I feel like I need to go bathe in a vat of lotion. Coconut scented lotion that is, in fact make it cocoa butter.
It is so hot, whose idea was it for it to be hot before I have completely embraced my white legs and felt confident to let them display themselves for the summer (that or smother them in self-tanner, the aerosol kind.), they're still too scared to come out into the world. Stop the madness!
But I do love it, today at Target I wanted to buy a new swimsuit, but quickly remembered it is merely January 12th...which means at least 3 more dreadful months of cold weather after this heat wave ends. But it also means less than 2 months 'til the birthday of yours truly! Mark your calendars folks, this girl's turning 24, and there's alot to wish for...except for love, stability and safety--I have those. Sanity on the other hand...welllll, stay tuned.

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