02 January 2009


So I'm sick. again. this time it's the flu or something that i got from my sister on Christmas day. anyways I've just come to express my need for the "Snuggie" blanket, the "point and paint" paint brush oh and those things that hide your bra straps and make you have more cleavage-oh wait, i'm not a skank. ugh there are soooo many infommercials on the channels i like to watch they're starting to really brainwash me. If anyone wants to get me a snuggie for my birthday feel free.


Kimberly said...

The Snuggi commercials kinda freak me out. Don't you think they look a little bit like Star Trek/futuristic/aliens in their matching robes?

bethanyr32 said...

Mike always teases me that he's going to get me a snuggie blanket since I am such a bookworm. We could go for matching ones ;)

Anonymous said...

oh no!! not the snuggie!! all you need is a bathrobe! a nice, soft, snuggly, slightly-too-big-for-you bathrobe!! gah!

Anonymous said...

My step mom got me those bra strap things for christmas... HA!
I guess that says it...