06 September 2012


I sat a few round tables away from a friend. Her 8 week old baby was being held by somebody else and he had just started to fuss so she was getting up to take him from her. And as soon as she did, he stopped crying. She held him no differently than the person before her, but there he was happy for a moment (before it was time to eat at least).
Across the table from them was another friend, this time with a 3 month old baby girl who was chomping away at her hand and sitting so happily on her mom's lap, giving smiles to everyone whoso inclined.

Just a couple moments that built my testimony on motherhood and how it truly is the greatest thing I've ever done.
Sometimes I get lucky enough to hold a baby and try to parent my baby daughter at the same time, so I get the teeniest-tiniest glimpse as to what it will be like SOMEDAY when we take the plunge into having another one.

Anyways, EmmaJane is done pooping so I better change her diaper and put her down for her nap.
My life is so interesting!!

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