29 December 2009

Can't believe it's been a year...

I've often mentioned to people lately how I feel like my life hasn't stopped moving, very quickly, since October. But when I really think about it, it's more like August...anyways, here's a year in review to help me remember what I did with 2009 and help you understand why I'm crazy lazy.January
January brought lots of lazy time. I was adjusting to being a wife after the holidays. Took Robert to a Laker game for his birthday present. And froze my booty off.
February brought romantic dates to the Pantages on wet rainy nights. A Valentine's Days to remember for years to come. Oh, and more freezing.

March made me 24. I had a hard time with it, it was strange (I laugh at this now that I soon face twenty-FIVE!). April
April brought another Simonsen. And made me a makeshift wedding planner to boot.


Most of what I remember from May was eating at Phillipe's. It was delicious and I've yet to go back, this is especially sad since I work in downtown.


June ended rough, to say the least. It was a time to be thankful for husbands with level-heads.

July started out rough as well, but was soon remedied with a much needed two-day vacation to Palm Springs. We died in the 112 degree temps, we swam at midnight and laid in the air conditioned cottage, it was perfect.


August brought a new car and news of moving to bigger pastures. That's all, told you it got fuzzy.

September left me lonely (Robert went to Chicago), resentful (on missing said Chicago trip), fever blistered (after a lovely case of sun-poisoning) and frantically packing for said bigger pastures.


October brought a new home, a good home, somewhere we can stay and experience every season in.


Oh...November. It brought me my long lost love...Savannah, GA. I feel as though November will always mean good things now that it's my anniversary as well as Thanksgiving time. Best time of year spent in the best place.

And December, well read all about it here.

Good-bye 2009, you brought me joy and tears. Now onto 2010 so I don't have to say "two-thousand and nine, etc." anymore. Here, Here for "twenty-ten!"

22 December 2009

favorite quote today.

In an email:

"This is why people hate Mormons"

Thanks for the laugh Michael Johnson.

christmas in the aiirrrr...

All time favorite part of "Merry Christmas Charlie Brown" Thumbs up to Charles Schulz for not even trying to be PC, we need more people like him in the entertainment industry.

16 December 2009

my brother's an artist.

Ever since I can remember Trevor has been an artist.

My first memories of his drawings were in Sacrament meeting when the time came when we were finally allowed to scribble all over the program. As we both drew furiously in an attempt to stay awake throughout the meeting (don't judge.) I quickly started noticing his drawings were way better than mine. In my naive mind I thought I could get as good...but it never happened (hence the Art HISTORY major...).
Then 3 or so years ago after a strenuous application process to the Art Center College of Design, I received a call whilst out with some friends that he had gotten in. I was so, so proud of him.
And now, 3 years later, he not only has met and married an equally talented gal, but he has graduated with a degree in Illustration. And seriously? I know his career has really just begun and he will be big and famous soon enough but it's really awesome to have seen this all happen.

That's my little plug for my brother, I love him so much. Congrats Treee-vorr.

Now go here and give him a job!

14 December 2009

11 days?!

So I really I had it all pulled together this holiday season...I had bought 75% of Robert's gifts the day after Thanksgiving and the plans were 50% done for his birthday.
But then I was at church yesterday and our sweet RS presidency insisted on reminding all of us that there were "12 days til Christmas!" To which an immediate feeling of panic came over me. So here is my list of things I would like to get done pre December 22nd (in order for me to actually be able to enjoy my short-lived Christmas break)...

  • Mop kitchen floor...if you could only see the things splattered on there you'd be convinced I was one of those pack-rat people on the a&e.
  • Put up curtains.
  • Put on new duvet cover which was purchase 2 weeks ago now.
  • bake. bake. bake.
  • Entertain friends.
  • bake. bake. bake.
  • Finish buying presents for Robert's side of the fam.
  • De-sanitize downstairs bathroom after our over-flowing toilet incident that put poop-water all over everything (including the rug I was going to return - blast.)
  • clean. clean. clean.
  • Spend time with my niece/little sister before she moves to Hawaii like a big girl.
  • Host a birthday party for the nicest/handsomest/gentlest/calmest man I know.
  • bake. bake. bake. (this time for work peeps.)

I think that's all... I could really be wrong. The key? Do it all with a smile on my face, because it's Chwistmas!

Favorite memory about this time of year: Christmas 2007, Robert and I's first real Christmas together and me realizing that this man LIVES for Christmas especially Disneyland Christmastime. and each year i get to remember it all over again...I love being married to someone who is just as set on having a classic Christmas as me!

04 December 2009

Oh Mariah.

I know she's crazy now. But don't you girls even TRY to tell me that when this video came out you didn't want to be her and have her hair.
In fact, I STILL want to get some cut off shorts, a too short sweatshirt, some rollerblades and skate around a carnival singing this song.

Mariah Carey - Fantasy (Official Music Video) - Click here for more blooper videos

who's in?

03 December 2009


I've loved M.Ward's work for a while now, and now with Zoey??...oh geez.