16 May 2006

Do you see the face of God?

ick, this cold really needs to hit the road.

the fields of yellow blossoms, the golden yellow sun, the crisp green air, the swarm of gnats i hit...all made my bike ride worth it.
i find it strange that i wear tennis shoes more often during the summer months. if you can even call this summer. i walked around campus in a t-shirt today, so i will call it that.

so it's done, the paper, ready for a final review and then i'm just going to turn it in, all 10 pages of it. gah. this is what i wanted.

so i can't help but kind of be sad that this semester is over. i mean don't get me wrong, it feels great that summer is here, and my loves are home and we are about to party every night. but let's take a look back...
there was the fall semester
with french with jonny and all our ridiculous parties
photography with the ever-amazing John Gray with all his wisdom in life i soaked up every wednesday, not to mention chilling with John D. in the darkroom, i kinda miss that.
an aerobics class that did hardly anything, besides teach me to wake up early
and who can forget Gigi for art, "So...this is really cute, this guy Moses..." huh?
and there was a boy...who kept calling me, he must've liked me or something.
there was the spring
where it rained almost everyday
and i started getting fit immediately with Shilo's bootcamp
following a sickness that lasted all break
with Doyle's bad breath everyday seeping into the walls of that trailer, but everyday was something significant to him, that's what mattered, he taught me to be open, taught me what people want to hear, thank you stephen
and with Dyste's Urban Issues class where i seriously learned alot about my own home County of Ventura...sorry i never made it to class on time, but i will not raise my kids through a cell phone, i will not become fat, i will live authentically, fit and loving.
and there was Frank Sardisco...where do i even begin. he's given me the strength i needed to continue on in this art world, he thinks i'm a good painter, he gave me A's! "No more absenses! or i'll line you up against the wall and shoot you like a mad dog like you deserve!" we couldn't listen to our iPods so Sarah and i became pals and i became obsessed with Strawberry yogurt, and before we knew it, it was noon. thanks for the roses Frank...i'll never forget you.
and finally, there's Mr. Nils Slattum who kept me awake on those Wednesday nights with his quoting fingers followed by, "i hate it when i do that..." or how about the "nike says you're an individual, here, where this t-shirt." he gave everyone the benefit of the doubt, but i knew he saw the rest of us rolling our eyes as the clock ticked closer and closer to 10pm every week. He taught me discipline, i can write good papers, i can read novels in a week. "kari, you're a smart girl."
and that boy, well he's still around. a love of mine i never expected.

so you see, there's plenty to really be missed. my last semester at Moorpark College, and i must say it was a success. so a resounding thank you is due to them all really. and i think i'll do just that, i've been wanting to use those cards anyway...

2 days til summer for me. ok.

note to self: if you're laundry is in the laundry basket, just assume it's dirty, there's no need to smell it.

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