30 April 2006

Who's been feedin' ya?

so i had a best weekend coming up and this is what it was.

thursday to friday with someone who now won't return my calls. ok.

but it was friday night at eisley when we danced, like the only ones in the room.

and it was saturday, oh saturday. i'm over excited to go to Long Beach. i can't even explain it. the art program will give me the oppurtunities i need to continue on with the highest degrees of wisdom! being in the company of pure greatness. and the museum, oh the museum. everything was gorgeous, got my face noticed by the "education curator"...that is the goal.

and what is it about life? that makes us wonder all the time? is it the love, the laughs, the friendships? or just the compassion in general. the root of everything good it seems these days. the movie made me want to live in the South so much more. "Who's been feedin' ya?"

and mel is home, i turned into the little girl i once was again, always with her. and we're women. we're beautiful spirits living for Christ in our lives. they're home. i love it.

21 April 2006

feelin' the same way all over again.

today has almost been ackward, almost like i shouldn't explain any of it here, but i will.

i woke up, went for a jog, really worked until i felt that once a month pain that disabled me from running back home, so i power walked, like the old lady i am.

took me quite some time but i made it out of the house around noonish. fought over a gas pump and made it to school just in time to get what i needed and get kicked out because i go to a community college and they just dont believe on kids really doing their research. oh university how i long for thee.

then it was beautiful, as i lied down on a grassy knoll in the sun. stopped by work for a cake and some purchases. including a duck. he's yellow. and adorable. perfect for a garden. a dream one.

home in time to study a wee bit before mi momma came home and all was done. met mega and eddie for dinner at CPK. and this is where we are. i hope mega's day was better after stuffing her face with me. she will be married before i know it.

so i'm here. pulled my hair into two piggy's and now i will finish that research. but a full tummy and an interrupted jog can only mean one thing, and so i wish to apologize to everyone but mostly myself for thinking the things i will think in the next upcoming days. someday this will be worth all of this.

it's all i can dream about lately, i'm moving to long beach in August. thats 4 months away. thats 4 months of sitting across the table from the same two as tonight

onto Shakespeare. and oh Norah, where have you been these past few months. come away with meeee.

Photo Cred: ME; my life-The Santa Monica Mountains.

19 April 2006

i know, i know, i know.

i painted today. got frustrated today. ate yogurt today. i was warm today.

it has to be the most beautiful day yet this year...and i'm about to leave for work, maybe i'll just stare out the doors wishing for my turn in the sun.

when i left school people were eating lunch on the grass and an old man drove by in his VW bus, and i wished i could be like them.

spring time, you're a jerk.

and me and sarah saw a nerdy couple making out in the arcade, in the wide wide open. seriously on the verge passionate kisses, honestly c'mon now.

17 April 2006

oh sweetheart.

sushi with julianne. holy. crap. amazing. i will frequent that place hopefully. and pretend i'm rich, because life is better that way. then we sat in starbucks and discussed our eating disorders as i ate my carrot cake muffin with cream cheese frosting...but it was ok. oh by the way, the raspberry hot chocolate is to die for.

my phone died. i need to learn to plug things in.

10 April 2006

spring break. yeah.

it was my birthday present. i went to Vegas. and let's clear this up now, yes i did pull some slots, and yes i DID beat Vegas, we were up 75 cents when we left! TAKE THAT Vegas, we beat you! it was different being in that car on the way there, listening to fall out boy and the like. taking me almost unwillingly back to where i was before my life had turned into something i love. we were having fun, or so i thought, i hear her side of it now, much different than my own. but i have loves, and they need me as much as i need them. not really sorry about that. the Bellagio has remained my favorite, so much class. everything is gorgeous there. one day.

and a after church nap was kindly interrupted by two of my favorite faces. i think i'm almost looking as forward to them getting married as they are. i think we all are actually.

when the crowd had gone-we sat talking for hours. a confirmation of love. lasting love.

"i need you to be mine, in the summertime, when the days are long and the nights are slow and sweet."

spring break is the ultimate tease of the summertime. i think i will be a much better friend once the sweet sun meets my cold cold arms and i decide there's nothing better than staying up all night and living in the moment with the friends i love.

Photo Cred: Me. Bellagio Gardens, Las Vegas, NV.

04 April 2006

that's a lovely thought.

i clean out my closet and/or drawers about once a month lately, and everytime i end up with a trash bag full to give to DI. what in the world. a couple things still had tags, but no receipts, my loss, someone else's gain. it's all the same.

i have cold feet. literally. the rain pounded at my window all night all the way into my scary drive to school...to find my classes were cancelled. but i finished that essay and drank something to soothe my aching throat. still in pain.

time to nap my aching head away. working tonight. i'm going to wear my fuzzy boots.

"With every word i live again Through the eyes of another; We'll meet at night wet from the rain And surprise each other With how we take away the pain; Could you be the one to find me safe and sound?"
-the lovely ladies of azure ray (as seen above)

02 April 2006

rise up with fists.

feeling the joy.

jenny lewis was just as amazing as i thought she would be. despite getting kicked out of our awesome front row seats by...oh thats right the rest of Rilo Kiley. punks. but we met her father, he brought her roses, and i was nose-y, and then we realized what had happened, mega called it, "did i mention my parents are getting back together again, its be 25 years, of spreading infection..." he's kinda exactly how i pictured.

there's a feeling flowing through my bones this morning, despite the fact that i missed conference and didn't realize until it was later that i actually woke up at 9:15 this morning, not 8:15...day light savings jerks. but this feeling is one of love. my best friend is back in my arms in full force this morning, that's enough. the family will be over later to celebrate 26 years of life in erica. congratulations. her purse turned out to be wonderful.

mega's convinced me, i'm going to make those purses, and ipod cases, and pencil pouches, craft fairs, beware, here i come. this summer will bring me someplace wonderful. my loves will be home in 3 short weeks. Eisley on the 28th.

there isn't a cloud in the sky today.