07 July 2008


ok so i wasn't tagged...but i kinda miss myspace for my bored times at work, so enjoy!

Attached or Single? Attached.
Best Friend? Roberto. and mofo.
Cake or Pie? rainbow chip.
Day of Choice? March 8th.
Essential Items? chap stick, gum, phone, Robert.
Favorite Color? yellow.
Gummy Bears or Worms? sour gummy worms.
Home Town? Oxnard/Newbury Park
Indulgences? eating out, rite aid ice cream, thrift stores.
January or July? July.
Kids? for sure.
Like or Love? love <3
Marriage Date? I'll keep you posted...
Number of Siblings? five. Julie, mike, Erica and Trev.
Phobias/fears? the dark, and losing someone close to me.
Quotes? "let the beauty of what you love, be what you do."
Reason to Smile? summer time and silly robertito...
Season? Summer.
Tag Four: Mel, Natalie/David, josh/Kim, and Bethany
Unknown fact about me? i really like the smell of air conditioning.
Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? i often order carne asada at Mexican restaurants these days.
X-Rays or Ultrasounds? ultrasounds because that means I'm married and pregnant.
Your Favorite Food? peanut butter, ice creams, oreos, breads.
Zodiac? Pisces.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh i know, i didnt see a lot of people i know! how are you?