03 May 2011

on there being a baby in my body.

circa 2006.
Remember how I thought I was fat in this picture?? Honey I hadn't seen nothing yet. Ha.

While half of my weight/enlargement is a big ole belly protruding from my body that I couldn't be happier about (really, I knew I'd get fat, that's not what this post is about - entirely), sometimes I stumble across pictures of my without-child self and I can honestly say, I have no recollection as to what it's like to not have a baby in your belly that you are always aware of.
Especially now that she kicks, she squirms, she burrows.
What was it like to be able to run 5 miles, sweat beyond what I thought I could sweat, nearly pass out, eat every 5 hours (instead of 1.5), work on house projects all day long without sofa-sitting breaks every half hour and drink Diet Coke at my leisure?
What was it like?!
It's really a bizarre feeling. Getting my body back to myself (for the most part - minus nursing), is going to be SO strange, I feel like I've been pregnant and have been limiting myself because it's not just ME, for years (and it's only been 7 months).

If there's anything I know, it's that I will forever be happy with my body whilst not pregnant, because man I looked and FELT gooooood. And that will be me at this time next year, but BONUS I'll have a sweet little babe to care for. win win!!

1 comment:

kentandnellie said...

I'll be honest, it feels great to have the non-pregnant body back, and it's amazing how fast you get used to it. I can hardly remember what it felt like to be loaded down with 40 extra pounds. The heartburn and achy hips seem like distant memories. Anyway, so happy for you. You will love having that little baby in your arms, not in your body.