11 February 2011

for the record...

...I LOVE being pregnant, and all the excitement with having my first little bit.

But...currently I have a migraine, am nauseated, my back is killing me, my arm hurts from the dTAP vaccine I got yesterday, my head feels fuzzy from the dTAP vaccine I got yesterday and I am so tired I could go to sleep right now for the rest of the day - and not regret it.

Why Heavenly Father decided pregnancy has to be so tough on our bodies is beyond me. But I am growing a human being, and that's pretty awesome.

1 comment:

Kristyn said...

Hang in there kari! Being pregnant is tough but you get a baby out of it so in the end it is so worth it! keep your eye on the prize and enjoy beinh pregnant with your first cuz the next time you do this you will be chasing after a toddler on top of it all.