we're married!!! and it IS wonderful everyone wasn't just saying that!! more to come, but now that it's legal start checking http://www.kariyroberto.blogspot.com more often as i might post more on there! :)
tonight is def one of those nights when i am just too stinkin lazy to go to bed. an oxy-moron i know but my face washing regiment is seeming way too daunting right now so instead i will give an update:
Robert and i were doing pretty good on our once a week disney outings...until i started panicking about the wedding...they are currently on hold until further notice.
We through my roommate jess a birthday dessert party...as you can see she is thouroughly enjoying herself with her nate. Rob and I helped decorate: Had a wonderful bridal shower back home thanks to mel her wonderful mother and the ever talented niven's and bennetts... And another in HB thanks to my wonderful sisters and mother...here's nadia and i enjoying not having to help clean up. She was pretty pooped anyways... We went to the punkin patch with the Riessens and Mr. Smits (taking the photo)...don't worry she's the pregnant one not me...contrary to what it may appear as. i just love holding pumpkins...its kinda strange. We bought a really comfy mattress from Sam's club that i can't wait to sleep on... and a couple weeks ago we went to the Getty Villa because i had to do some research... here's robert eating lunch by himself.... all in all it was a perfect distraction from life and a great way to enjoy a really perfect autumn day. there's more to come....but i'm getting married in 7 days so good luck.